To cleanse or not to cleanse…

Is a cleanse really a good solution?…

Many of my coaching clients want to start with a cleanse. What they really want is to feel better quickly, have more energy, improve their mood, and lose weight. Yes, a cleanse might accomplish some of these things quickly, but will you be able to maintain that feeling for long? Probably Not.  You will probably go back to your old diet, building up toxins again.

Most “cleanses” are basically short fad diets. They are not sustainable, they are difficult to follow, and sometimes they are even bad for you! (I am thinking of the infamous lemonade diet.) There are many kinds of “cleanses” out there. I am not saying they are all bad. I am saying let’s consider a long term solution rather than a quick fix.

The body is a miraculous machine built for eliminating toxins.  Your liver, kidneys, digestive tract, lungs, skin, and lymph system all contribute to detoxing the body. If you have been abusing the system, don’t worry!  The body can, and will, heal itself.  All you have to do is feed the body the proper fuel to detox and keep the machine working properly.

Here are a few tips for a natural, long term solution to detoxing the body…

1.  Drink hot lemon water before bed (or anytime).  Lemon is great for cleansing the liver and contains high doses of vitamin c.  This is a natural remedy that your great grandmother probably used!

2.  Eat clean.  That means clean protein, fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains, and healthy fats (such as olive oil, avocado, and nuts).

3.  Eliminate coffee, sugar, and processed food. Yes, I said coffee.  Coffee can inhibit nutrient absorption, tax the detoxifying organs, and influence blood sugar levels.  No explanation needed for sugar and processed food, right?

4.  Pee. Drink so much water that you are in the bathroom a lot to “flush” out your system.

5.  Poop.  Make sure you are drinking enough water and eating enough fiber, calcium, and magnesium to keep things moving. (Check out this infographic about what your pee and poo are telling you about your body.)

6. Sweat. Exercise to get toxins out, get metabolism going, and improve your skin complexion.

7.  Get to know and love Braggs Apple Cider Vinegar.  Apple cider vinegar can help to stimulate circulation and aid detoxification in the liver.  Drink it to keep your body’s Ph in balance (see below).

8.  Get a good night’s sleep.  When we are asleep, our body detoxes and rejuvenates on a cellular level.

9.  Eliminate toxins in the home.  Cleaning products, lotion, and soaps all contain toxins that can be absorbed into our skin.  Use natural products.

10.  Try a dry skin brush.  Using a dry skin brush before you get into the shower can help the lymph system and the skin work more effectively.  Not to mention it feels great.

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